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Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.




Education enables upward socioeconomic mobility and is a key to escaping poverty. Over the past decade, major progress was made towards increasing access to education and school enrollment rates at all levels, particularly for girls. Nevertheless, about 260 million children were still out of school in 2018 — nearly one-fifth of the global population in that age group. And more than half of all children and adolescents worldwide are not meeting minimum proficiency standards in reading and mathematics. 


According to UNICEF, Nepal has made significant progress in education in the last 20 years. The net enrolment rate in primary schools has risen to 97 percent. However, the country still has many challenges to tackle. Issues that persist in education include poor quality and inequity in access, geographical remoteness, gender, and socioeconomic and ethnic differences. Key barriers to enrolment and attendance include poverty, social exclusion, disability, migration, child labor, social norms, and gender bias.

  • 770,000 children aged 5-12 years are still out of school.

  • Only a half of students in grades 3, 5, and 8 meet the academic achievement criteria for Nepali and mathematics.

  • Attendance in early childhood education (ECE) is still low at 51 percent.

  • There is inequity in the education sector as only 12 percent of children from the lowest wealth quintile are developmentally on track in literacy and numeracy compared to 65 percent from the highest wealth quintile.

  • Very few schools meet child-friendly school standards. 

  • Only 11 percent of school buildings are earthquake-resistant. 

In 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the globe, a majority of countries announced the temporary closure of schools, impacting more than 91 percent of students worldwide. By April 2020, close to 1.6 billion children and youth were out of school. And nearly 369 million children who rely on school meals needed to look to other sources for daily nutrition. 


Never before have so many children been out of school at the same time, disrupting learning and upending lives, especially the most vulnerable and marginalized. The global pandemic has far-reaching consequences that may jeopardize hard-won gains made in improving global education.





  • In collaboration with the local government, we would like to set up a hostel so that orphan and semi-orphan children can be accommodated.  These children will enroll in the local school during the day and stay at the hostel after. They will be provided all the basic plus educational needs. (we are in talks with a few individuals and organizations regarding this. The place is not fixed as of now.)

  • Provide Education and Support to students who are motivated and ambitious enough to complete their education and give back to their communities. 

  • Provide teachers and basic first aid training to individuals who are teaching in remote areas of the mountain region. 

  • Help digitize the classroom so as to encourage interactive and child-centered classrooms and eradicate the traditional way of teaching by providing laptops, projectors, screens, etc in existing schools. 

  • Help and provide the existing schools with educational supplies, stationaries, hygiene packs, clothes, etc if needed. 

  • Set up Library at primary schools with a wide range of books. 


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